Watch ayMULTICHARACTER video tutorials
- Endless female character generation
- Change height and weight
- Add or remove age from character
- Add or remove makeup
- Procedural textures for outfit pattern and bump
- Already rigged with Rigify
- Generate both male and female kid
- Change height of character
- Add or remove weight
- Randomize character
- Already rigged with Rigify
- Procedural textures for outfit pattern and bump
- Props and extras
- Unlimited male character generation
- Change height of character
- Change face
- Mix and match outfit
- Change weight
- Randomization function
- Export final character
- Already rigged with Rigify
What is AYMultiCharacter?
AYMultiCharacter is a series of character-generating blender kits comprising; AYMale, AYFemale, and AYKid allowing users to generate endless 3d animation-ready characters with a single click. AYMultiCharacter started as an inhouse character generator tool and has expanded into a tool we can’t keep to ourselves.
Get real-time updates as you dynamically tweak and change character’s face, eyes size and placement, height, weight, nose shape, ear shape, lips shapes and placement, eyes color, skin color, outfit, etc.
There are varied outfit types to choose from: Tops, Pants, Jumpsuits, swimsuits, skirts, jackets, etc. The outfit section makes changing and editing outfit fast. Change each outfit style, color, texture, and bump.
AYMultiCharacter has 3 variations; Starter kit, Standard Kit, and Complete Kit. The character change is the same for all variations, the only difference is the total number of base meshes, outfits, and props.
AYMultiCharacter is not limited to what it’s shipped with. Irrespective of the variation, you can easily grow and customize your library by adding more outfits, eyebrows, lashes, teeth, etc. The update feature makes it possible to remove or add meshes to the kit.
Generated characters can be exported to . blender, .obj, and .fbx.